everything in between
layers fotos noises cities
Highway Prints 04 STREPITUS IN VITRODOC 234—34/2
Collage - Notes on the territory - Layers of landCollage - Notes on the territory Found Object - page of "Un Art de Vivre'Fragments of Abasto
A Bridge between Objects and Sounds, conversating with my old neighborhood.
"There exist complicated forms which, even when they are at rest, make a noise. Twisted things continue to make creaking contortions."
Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space.
Navigating the streets of Abasto, Buenos Aires, revealed a landscape strewn with discarded remnants. Among the debris, broken windshields scattered across the sidewalks caught my attention.
Documenting my journeys through videos and sketches, I aimed to capture the essence of the urban environment. The ambient sounds of the streets intertwined with my recordings, weaving a narrative of the neighborhood's liveliness.
Reflecting on the resilience of glass, I considered its ability to retain echoes of its surroundings even in fragments. This notion prompted me to explore the possibility of extracting and amplifying the absorbed sounds, blurring the boundaries between memory and reality.
During this exploration, I stumbled upon a text fragment: "And everything mixes, it is difficult to distinguish between memories, anticipations, and thoughts in our mind and the objective reality of the outside world." This sentiment resonated with my experience, revealing the interconnectedness of perception and environment in the bustling streets of Abasto.
Audio extract of the intervention, windshields and Abasto sounds.
Set to play with glass.Folded windshields in the borders of the neighborhood.Sketches - Maps of GlassInstallation view , collected object from the neighborhood. Glasses of the windeshields intervene with microphones.Glass pieces , windshields destroyed. Objects and territories.